17:30 - 19:00
Michael Bosnjak, Oksana Tokarchuk
IoT and memorable experiences in the hotel industry
Presented by: Cecilia Bartaloni
Cecilia Bartaloni (Free University of Bozen/Bolzano)
Most studies view the introduction of the Internet of Things (IoT) as part of a wide strategic approach and describe possible applications in the context of Smart Cities, even if few has been written about the perception of this form of technology in the hospitality industry. For instance, it has been shown that both the offer and the demand are interested in applying IoT to sensory marketing, but further research is needed to understand how IoT could provide value for hotel managers and guests. This study aims at investigating how IoT technologies can contribute in the creation of memorable experience (ME) with the use of mixed methods. In depth-interviews with Hotel managers will be combined with the literature to develop a theoretical model relating the characteristics of the service encounter mediated by IoT to an overall measure of ME. The model will be tested on hotel guests with a quantitative questionnaire. A quantitative questionnaire will also be developed for hotel managers to validate the previous interviews and detect differences between service providers and guests. Later, IoT ability to trigger memorable experiences and sustainable behaviours will be studied with a field experiment.

PhD session
Cecilia Bartaloni
Presentation type:
PhD session
Michael Bosnjak, Oksana Tokarchuk
Wed, 16 Dec
18:00 - 18:30
Session times:
17:30 - 19:00