Creating a „Tourism for all“ product in a rual destination at the example of Niederrhein (Germany)
Presented by: Felix M. Kempf
Felix M. Kempf (IST-Hochschule), Thomas Corinth (IST-Hochschule), Angela Lindfeld (IST-Hochschule)
Background of the study
Niederrhein is a travel region in the west of Germany, close to the Dutch border. It is pushed by the tourism strategy of the province North Rhine-Westphalia to create and offer tourism for all products. Niederrhein Tourism (DMO) has introduced the project „Tourism for all - Target market for travellers with special needs“. It is sponsored by a national initiative of the Germany ministry of economics.
Purpose of the study
Tourism destinations have more offers than are published. Often, single parts of the customer journey are bookable. The study aims to identify barriers of travel, searches for solutions and finally tourism for all packages are created.
A qualitative approach is used. Two workshops with experts are undertaken, to collect the data required.
Results of the workshops are tangible and intangible barriers of travel. Solutions of how to overcome barriers of travel and packages that could be offered to people with special needs.
As the workshops are still on the way, there is no conclusions at this point.
Research implications and limitations
See Conclusions.
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Virtual coffee break with poster session
Felix M. Kempf
Presentation type:
Oral presentation
Wed, 16 Dec
16:30 - 17:30
Session times:
16:30 - 17:30