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7th Kiel Conference "Scales of Social, Environmental and Cultural Change in Past Societies"
13. Mär 2023 - 17. Mär 2023 • Kiel, Deutschland
The scientific programme of this conference aims to promote discussion by merging themes that explore the roots of social, environmental, and cultural phenomena and processes, well as different scales of transformations in prehistoric and archaic societies. Therefore, the sessions intend to explore wide diachronic and interdisciplinary spectra: From Late glacial societies to communities of pre-modern cites, from topics on human adaptation and coping strategies, to those on burial rites, residential behaviour, the formation of complex networks, and past health, as well as different theoretical and methodological approaches covering social, physical, life, and formal sciences.
Einsendeschluss für Abstracts:
31. Okt 2022
Verwandte Fachgebiete:

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