PIANC Panama - Agenda

08:30 - 10:00
Session 8 - Societal awareness and responsability, combining economic growth, environment/ sustainability and welfare
Room: Track E (Berlin 1 - 2nd Floor) - 4:3 Format
Luis Santanach
We-S8-E - Environment-2
Daan Rijks 1, Pieter Eijk, van 2, Jaap Thiel de Vries, van 1
1 Boskalis, Panama, 2 Wetlands International, Netherlands
We-S8-E - Environment-3
VICTOR MAGAR 1, Kirsten Wolfstein 2, Juan Savioli 3, Ellen Johnck 4, Sim Turf 5, Paul Scherrer 7, Johny Van Acker 6, Daan Ricks 8, Lauren Dunkin 9, Danielle Amber 1
1 Ramboll, United States, 2 Hamburg Port Authority, Germany, 3 DHI, Malaysia, 4 Ellen Johnck Consulting, United States, 5 Mobility and Public Works Department, Belgium, 6 De Vlaamse Waterweg NV, Afdeling Bovenschelde, Belgium, 7 Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Development, France, 8 Boskalis, Netherlands, 9 US Army Corps of Engineers - Engineering Research and Development Center, United States
We-S8-E - Environment-4
Kirsten Wolfstein
Hamburg Port Authority Address: Neuer Wandrahm 4 20457 Hamburg, Germany