Privacy Notice

African Studies Association Conference of the United Kingdom, 8-10 September 2020, Cardiff  

Data Controller

In order to organise the above conference, it is necessary to process and hold your personal data. As the organisers of the conference, Cardiff University and the African Studies Association of the UK are considered Data Controllers and as such legally responsible for processing your personal data in accordance with data protection legislation.

The University is registered as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) to process personal data. Reg no Z6549747 .

Contact Details of the Data Protection Officer

The University is required to have a data protection officer who can be contacted if you have any queries, concerns or complaints about the way your personal data is processed. Cardiff University's Data Protection Officer is James Merrifield who can be contacted at  

How will your information be collected and used?

In order to administer the organisation of the conference, information related to submission of your abstract will be collected via COMS Conference Software system .   This will include:



Affiliation (e.g. where you work)

Contact details - address, email address, phone number


This information will be used to contact you with regards to your conference submission and in order to send you further information about the conference.  Information on gender is collected for monitoring purposes and this is not used as part of the application process.

If your abstract is accepted and you are invited to attend the conference, we will ask for further information which will include:

Visa requirements

Dietary requirements

Any accessibility needs e.g. related to disability or health concerns

Agreement to be photographed at the conference

Payment details


This information will be used to ensure that we can meet your needs regarding your attendance at the conference and to take payment. Your details will also be used to contact you a fter the conference for evaluation purposes.

Photographs and/or video footage will be taken throughout the event for the purpose of marketing/promotion and dissemination of scholarly material.


Legal basis for processing your personal data

Your personal data collected in relation to the submission of your abstract is processed on the basis that doing so is necessary for our public task as a University to promote and make provision for research. This will include sharing a list of attendees with book publishers who are also going to be at the conference so that they can make use of the opportunity of being in one place to discuss your book projects and plans for publication. This enables us as conference organisers to promote your research and facilitate collaborations.

Your personal data collected in relation to the administration of conference attendance is processed on the basis that doing so is necessary in order to enter into a contract. 

Photographs are collected on the basis of legitimate interest.


Who has access to the information?

Information which is submitted via the system is available to those who organise the conference and to those members of ASAUK in order to review your submission.

Information which is supplied on dietary, visa and access requirements once you have been invited to attend the conference will only be accessible to the organisers of the conference who are based in Cardiff University.

Information for payment for the conference will be collected and held by the Cardiff University Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) Finance Team.

In order to enable book publishers attending the conference to take the opportunity to learn about your current and future research projects, we may share your name and Institution with them. They will be responsible for contacting you and we will not share your contact details.


Is information transferred outside of the EU?

Abstract submissions will be held on the system which is based in the EU. It will be accessed by members who review your submission and these members may be based outside of the EU.

How long will your information be held?

If you are unsuccessful your abstract submission will be held until the end of October 2020 and then deleted.

If you attend the conference information personal data will be held until the end of October 2020 and then deleted.

Data related to payment will be held for our current financial year plus six years. Credit card details are not stored by the University but are entered into a secure payment system (Secure Trading) as part of the payment process. 


Your rights

Under data protection legislation you have certain rights which will be associated with the legal basis on which we process your data. For further information please see the following guidance published by the Information Commissioner’s Office.

The Information Commissioner’s office is responsible for regulating data protection in the UK. We hope to resolve any of your questions, queries or concerns but if you remain dissatisfied you can contact the Information Commissioner's Office .


January 2020