Welcome to the abstract submission website for the AMMCS-2019 Conference.


Account Creation and Login

If you do not have a user account

Open an account and submit an abstract

Choose this option if you wish to create an account and submit an abstract.


With this account you will be able to edit or withdraw your submission, submit further abstracts and follow the status of your submissions.


Please note that all submitted abstracts must be PDF files, conforming to the templates found on this page; TeX and MS Word templates are provided.

If you encounter any problems using the templates or the submission system, please email the Program Chair (Prof. Herb Kunze) at hkunze.AMMCS2019@gmail.com

Create user account

Choose this option if you wish to open an account but do not wish to submit an abstract at this time.


This option should be chosen if you will support the conference as a session organizer, reviewer, or administrator. After creating your account, email the Program Chair (Prof. Herb Kunze) at hkunze.AMMCS2019@gmail.com, and your account will be given all of the required privileges.


If you have a user account

Account login
Email or user-ID

Click here to recover a lost password.