Conférences  >  Pédagogie, histoire et philosophie de la science  >  Philosophie universitaire  >  États-Unis

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Summer School in Logic and Formal Epistemology
03 jui 2024 - 21 jui 2024 • Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, États-Unis
Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University
Logic and statistics emerged, historically, from the combined philosophical and scientific inquiry into the nature of mathematical and scientific inference; the modern conceptions of psychology, linguistics, and computer science are the results of sustained reflection on the nature of mind, language, and computation. In today's climate of disciplinary specialization, however, foundational reflection is becoming increasingly rare. As a result, developments in the sciences are often conceptually ill-founded, and philosophical debates often lack scientific substance and rigor. The Department of Philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University hosts a summer school in logic and formal epistemology for promising undergraduates in philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, economics, and other sciences.
Identifiant de l'évènement:
2025 Eastern Division Meeting — The American Philosophical Association
08 jan 2025 - 11 jan 2025 • New York, États-Unis
APA - American Philosophical Association
Identifiant de l'évènement:
2025 Pacific Division Meeting — The American Philosophical Association
15 avr 2025 - 20 avr 2025 • San Francisco, California, États-Unis
APA - American Philosophical Association
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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