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SpicyPsychUpdate: Cayenne Collection (05.08.2024; via Zoom)
08 mai 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
CBT Canada's SpicyPsychUpdates reveal the zestiest bits from the fascinating & ever-evolving fields of psychology & psychiatry. SpicyPsychUpdates are a broader & brisker experience than CBT Canada's core modules, which focus on single topics. Five scoring criteria are used in selecting the 30 scientific papers that form the basis of each SpicyPsychUpdate: 1) recent; 2) high quality; 3) clinically useful; 4) personally useful; and 5) spicy (i.e., interesting). To boost the pep, we cut into a fresh paper about every 5 minutes. We're currently offering 3 entirely unique SpicyPsychUpdates, each covering 30 entirely unique recent papers. Take as many as you'd like from HABANERO (Apr 10), CAYENNE (May 8) JALAPENO (Sep 25) —and in any order you'd like. Highly-practical tips emerge from the literature at a blistering pace. Some of those tips can be life-changing for your patients & colleagues, family & friends—and the ongoing project called "you". Stay current with SpicyPsychUpdates!
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, mental health, psychology, psychiatry, scientific papers review, recent, high quality, clinically useful, personally useful
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PTSD: From post-traumatic stress to post-traumatic growth (2024.05.15; via Zoom)
15 mai 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
PTSD has a lifetime prevalence rate of nearly 10% in women (5% in men), which rivals that of depression. Fortunately, the DSM-5 "holy book" made it easier to diagnose PTSD, and recent research has provided us with much more effective treatments. We'll begin with a review of debriefing (i.e., interventions designed to prevent PTSD after a trauma), including insights from head instructor, Greg Dubord, MD, and his work with the Canadian government's National Roundtable in Ottawa. We'll then review a shortcut to the diagnosis of PTSD, proceeding from there to the details of (and controversies pertaining to) the fuller diagnostic criteria. The core of the workshop is treatment interventions for the four major criteria. Special topics include the curious case of EMDR, “emotional baggage” (i.e., old traumata), the eye-opening forgiveness research, so-called "hindsight bias", the Oprah-esque "imaginal rescripting", the Faustian bargain of children who survived ACEs (adverse childhood experiences), and what data we have on medical marijuana. We end with the uplifting literature on post-traumatic growth. As always, the assumption is a ten-minute appointment (with three patients in the waiting room).
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, mental health, PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), debriefing, diagnostic criteria, treatment interventions for the four major criteria, EMDR, “emotional baggage” (i.e., old traumata), forgiveness, "hindsight bias", "imaginal rescripting", adverse childhood experiences, medical marijuana, post-traumatic growth, general practice, family medicine
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GriefWork: Growing from life's inevitable losses (2024.06.05; via Zoom)
05 jui 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
Losses happen. That's always been true, but it's more salient in these dreadful Days of COVID. Historically, it was the wisdom traditions—religion and philosophy—that provided us with comfort. Today psychology helps too: the utterly universal experience of loss has spawned much excellent scientific research. Topics include differentiating between MDD and grief, the CBT model (and techniques), the sunk-cost effect, forgiveness, DSM-5-TR's new Prolonged Grief Disorder, and thanatophobia. The workshop assumes your appointments are brief, averaging only 5–7 minutes. With that in mind, we teach the CBT tools that are highest in impact and practicality. The goal is to efficiently help patients cope—at least a little better—with the pain of some of life’s inevitable losses.
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, mental health, grief, loss, bereavement, coping, differentiating between MDD and grief, the CBT model (and techniques), the sunk-cost effect, forgiveness, DSM-5-TR's new Prolonged Grief Disorder, thanatophobia, family practice, general medicine
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Depression: CBT's pathway out (2024.06.19; via Zoom)
19 jui 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
This workshop is focused on CBT for major depressive disorder. We'll review reasons for optimism; empathy addiction; goalification, scaling, and I/O charts for MDD; behavioral antidepressants; depressogenic belief identification; cognitive illusions; the physics of CBT; therapeutic persuasion; MDD thought records; the CUE question (to harness emotional intelligence); learned helplessness (and its opposite, learned hopefulness); reductionistic stagnation; future-focusing (intertemporal self-state negotiations); and the lay construct of willpower. The Depression module provides physicians with a comprehensive kit for more effectively managing one of the most common human afflictions. Persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia) and suicidality are covered in the Dysthymia workshop.
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, mental health, depression, coping, major depressive disorder, optimism, empathy addiction, goalification, scaling, and I/O charts for MDD, behavioral antidepressants, depressogenic belief identification, cognitive illusions, the physics of CBT, therapeutic persuasion, MDD thought records, the CUE question (to harness emotional intelligence), learned helplessness (and its opposite, learned hopefulness), reductionistic stagnation, future-focusing (intertemporal self-state negotiations), willpower, family medicine, general practice
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Dysthymia: Hope for chronic depression—and suicidality (2024.07.03; via Zoom)
03 jul 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
The Dysthymia module covers three related topics: brief CBT for dysthymia (assumes ten-minute appointments), victimhood culture (an exacerbant on the rise), and brief CBT for suicidality (focusing on what to say in the moment). NOTE: The new DSM-5-TR (released on March 18) refers to dysthymia as persistent depressive disorder. Please do join us! After completing the Dysthymia module, many physicians report they wish they’d taken it at the start of their careers, asserting that they could have spared themselves a significant amount of stress & heartache. *Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is covered in the "Depression: CBT's pathway out" workshop.
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, mental health, chronic depression, dysthymia, persistent depressive disorder, victimhood culture, suicidality, coping strategies, tools, well-being
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Tools Practice: Master craftsmen know their tools well (2024.07.17; via Zoom)
17 jul 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
This three-credits-per-hour workshop begins with a one-hour review of the 26 tools of persuasion reviewed in the six hour CBT Tools workshop. Those who have not taken CBT Tools in some time may find there have been some interesting updates. The middle part of the workshop consists of a self-assessment. Participants privately rate their ability to identify tools used in scripted encounters. The final part of the workshop consists of group role plays with over 26 tools of persuasion. One of the cases reviewed is the hot topic of vaccine hesitancy. ***Registrants must have taken CBT Tools within the past ten years.
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, tools practice, tools of persuasion, vaccine hesitancy, mental health, general medicine, family medicine
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The SuperDoc Workshop: Leveraging CBT Tools to Maximize Physician Resiliency (2024.09.18; via Zoom)
18 sep 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
Today’s cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a treasure-trove of scientifically‐tested tools to help physicians increase their resiliency and reduce their risk of burnout. Physician wellness is important for countless reasons, including that it significantly determines the quality of care delivered (CMPA, 2018). Simply put, the burned-out doctor is probably a crappy doctor. Sadly, the burned-out are also at risk for Premature Clinician Aging Disorder (PCAD). PCAD isn't just the result of a heavy caseload and long hours. PCAD is also predicted by one's psychology. In this three-hour workshop, we'll review techniques for silencing self-criticism, decreasing rumination, letting go of the past, increasing self-compassion, improving decision-making, optimizing time management, boosting mindfulness, and making a marriage spark joy. PCAD is not inevitable: you don’t need to age faster than the required rate (unless you want to). Please join CBT Canada faculty for the fast-paced & practical SuperDoc workshop. You’ll emerge equipped with versatile CBT tools to boost the functioning and improve the mental health of your patients, your family, your friends—and the ongoing project called “you”.
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, mental health, family practice, general practice, coping tools and techniques, physician wellbeing, resiliency, quality of care, prevent Premature Clinician Aging Disorder, reduce burnout, silence self-criticism, decrease rumination, let go of the past, increase self-compassion, improve decision-making, optimize time management, boost mindfulness, increase marriage satisfaction
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SpicyPsychUpdate: Jalapeno Collection (09.25.2024; via Zoom)
25 sep 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
CBT Canada's SpicyPsychUpdates reveal the zestiest bits from the fascinating & ever-evolving fields of psychology & psychiatry. SpicyPsychUpdates are a broader & brisker experience than CBT Canada's core modules, which focus on single topics. Five scoring criteria are used in selecting the 30 scientific papers that form the basis of each SpicyPsychUpdate: 1) recent; 2) high quality; 3) clinically useful; 4) personally useful; and 5) spicy (i.e., interesting). To boost the pep, we cut into a fresh paper about every 5 minutes. We're currently offering 3 entirely unique SpicyPsychUpdates, each covering 30 entirely unique recent papers. Take as many as you'd like from HABANERO (Apr 10), CAYENNE (May 8) JALAPENO (Sep 25) —and in any order you'd like. Highly-practical tips emerge from the literature at a blistering pace. Some of those tips can be life-changing for your patients & colleagues, family & friends—and the ongoing project called "you". Stay current with SpicyPsychUpdates!
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, mental health, psychology, psychiatry, scientific papers review, recent, high-quality, clinically useful, personally useful
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CBT Tools: Canada's #1 CBT workshop (2024.10.02; via Zoom)
02 oct 2024 • virtual (via Zoom), Canada
CBT Canada
This three-credits-per-hour workshop is for clinicians wishing to integrate more of CBT's tested tools into their daily work with general medical patients. Veteran presenter Dr. Greg Dubord and CBT Canada faculty explain the key features of over 26 tools used to change patients' maladaptive beliefs and behaviors. You'll then see step-by-step demonstrations of how to best integrate each tool into ten-minute medical appointments. Participants gain familiarity and comfort with the tools through the coaching received while practicing in dyads. This sleeves-up workshop emphasizes practical assessment tools, homework compliance enhancers, and change-oriented charting. The focus is on the most strategic interventions that can be integrated into routine (e.g., 10 minute) clinical appointments.
CBT Canada;     Tél.: [877-466-8228];     Email.:
CBT, cognitive behavior therapy, mental health, tools of persuasion, practical assessment tools, homework compliance enhancers, change-oriented charting, strategic interventions, routine (e.g., 10 minute) clinical appointments, maladaptive behaviors and beliefs, empathy addiction, goals
Identifiant de l'évènement:
Sujets apparentés: met à la disposition de ses visiteurs des listes de conférences et réunions dans le domaine scientifique. Ces listes sont publiées pour le bénéfice des personnes qui cherchent une conférence, mais aussi, bien sûr, pour celui des organisateurs. Noter que, malgré tout le soin que nous apportons à la vérification des données entrées dans nos listes, nous ne pouvons accepter de responsabilité en ce qui concerne leur exactitude ou étendue. Pensez donc à vérifier les informations présentées avec les organisateurs de la conférence ou de la réunion avant de vous engager à y participer!

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