Conférences  >  Sciences sociales  >  Anthropologie  >  Azerbaïdjan

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Latifa — International Conference on SOCIAL WORK & SOCIAL RESEARCH
24 nov 2023 - 25 nov 2023 • Baku, Azerbaïdjan
Azerbaijan University
The International Conference on Social Work & Social Research is organized by the Azerbaijan University together with Sakarya University (Turkiye) and the Center for Social Research (Azerbaijan). The aim of the conference is to present a platform to the researchers and practitioner working in this field to join the discussion on the current issues in the field of social work and social policy. The conference aims to contribute to the raising the social and psychological level of different categories of the population and exchange of experience in the field of preparation and application of modern technologies.

The conference will focus on the issues such as social work experience during the crisis, development of social work education, creation of international educational standards in this field, social protection of vulnerable groups, etc.

Event Secretary;     Tél.: [(+99412) 431 41 12 (160)];     Email.:
social work, social reseach
Date limite de soumission des résumés:
20 oct 2023
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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