Conférences  >  Informatique  >  Interface homme-machine, expérience utilisateur  >  Azerbaïdjan

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09 sep 2022 - 10 sep 2022 • Nakhcıvan, Azerbaïdjan
Nakhchivan University, The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Middle East Technical University.
The IECHCI2022 is co-organized by Nakhchivan University, The Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and the Middle East Technical University. Submitted papers are expected to cover research studies on challenging and innovative topics, theories, development, and implementation in Human-Computer Interaction. Some of the examples are novel theoretical/practical approaches to interaction, innovative user interface concepts, new interaction devices, UX methods, multimodal user interfaces, BCI, accessibility, SW methodologies, emotions in HCI, aesthetic issues, HCI and children, evaluation methods and tools, and many others. Briefly, participation is encouraged in the IECHCI2022 for scientific research and innovation in Human-Computer Interaction.
Nakhchivan University;     Tél.: [(+994) 50 292 76 08 (Wp)];     Email.:
● T01: User Experience, Usability Testing, and Interaction Design ● T02: Education, Health and Tourism ● T03: Interaction Technologies and Applications ● T04: Security, Trust, Ethics, and AI ● T05: Natural, Social, and Personalized Interaction ● T06: Neuroscience of HCI
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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