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EA4HP-SH 2024 — 22nd Meeting of the European Association for Haematopathology
21 sep 2023 - 26 sep 2023 • Dubrovnik, Croatie
MCI Germany GmbH
On behalf of the European Association for Haematopathology (EA4HP) and the Society for Hematopathology (SH), it is with greatest pleasure that I invite you to attend the 22nd Meeting of the EA4HP in Dubrovnik, Croatia. The meeting will take place at the Hotel Valamar Lacroma Conference Centre from 21th to 26th September, 2024. This venue is one of the largest conference facilities in the region, located in a green oasis of the Babin kuk peninsula, 5 km from Dubrovnik's Old Town and approximately 20 km from the airport. For the participants unable to join us in Croatia, there will be an option to register for the hybrid event.

With a diverse scientific program, the meeting covers a wide range of topics, including Thymus Pathology, hot topics in hematopathology, reactive and therapy-induced changes, myeloid neoplasms, novel mechanisms in lymphomagenesis, and the boundaries between neoplastic and reactive lymphoproliferations. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the current trends, advancements, and challenges in the field.

For more information and to register, please visit the official conference website: EA4HP 2024 Conference. We look forward to welcoming you to Dubrovnik for an exceptional and inspiring event.

Haematopathology, Lymphoma, Bone Marrow, B-cell lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, myeloid neoplasms, Hematology, Pathology
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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