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ICASC — International Conference on Advanced Scientific Computing
18 oct 2023 - 20 oct 2023 • Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie
National Institute for Research and Development of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies INCDTIM Cluj-Napoca
The ICASC 2023 conference continues the series of the former 14 annual events of the Romanian LCG Federation (RO-LCG) on “Grid, Cloud and High-Performance Computing in Science“ (2007-2022). Its title has been changed and the topics have been expanded to offer a more comprehensive coverage of the current evolution in scientific computing.

ICASC 2023 is devoted to recent developments on the application of advanced computing technologies and methods in physics research and related areas. The conference is addressed to specialists with various backgrounds of expertise, such as computer scientists and researchers in numerical methods, developers and users of software applications, quantum computing, providers and beneficiaries of data-intensive services, data center administrators.

Grid Cloud and HPC computing in research, economy and business, Grid and applications, including eScience and eBusiness, Quantum Computing, Embedded and Pervasive Computing E-infrastructures for collaborative research, National contributions to the computational support of large-scale collaborations, Software and services for distributed computing infrastructures, Numerical methods for physics, Development and optimization of software applications in Grid/Cloud/HPC and Quantum environments, Applications of machine learning methods in scientific research, Monitoring, management and data organization tools, Middleware, resource management, and runtime environments, Processing and analysis of data in computational physics/chemistry/biology, Distributed multimedia analysis and processing, Multi-core and cluster computing
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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