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Caring for Kids with Cancer Symposium
10 mai 2024 • Miami, États-Unis
Baptist Health South Florida
This symposium will focus on incorporating individual cancer genetic make-up with pathological diagnosis. The faculty — including leading experts from the top local and national cancer care institutions — will review the latest technologies and therapeutic approaches to challenging clinical problems, and will focus on evidence-based approaches to the special physical, emotional and psychological needs of pediatric cancer patients and their families.

Working in partnership to provide the best possible care for the communities they serve, two local leaders in healthcare – Miami Cancer Institute, part of Baptist Health South Florida, the area's largest, not-for-profit healthcare provider, and nonprofit Nicklaus Children's Hospital, part of Miami Children's Health System and the leading provider of children's healthcare services in South Florida – are collaborating to improve healthcare through continuing education.

Tél.: [786-596-2398];     Email.:
Pediatric oncology conference, Kids with cancer conference, oncology conference
Identifiant de l'évènement:
11 mai 2024 • Anchorage, États-Unis
Binaytara Foundation
The Alaska Hematology Oncology Conference is an accredited continuous education to improve the care of cancer patients by educating cancer care providers about precision-guided management in hematology and oncology. Regional and national experts in the field will share comprehensive insights into the actionable molecular variations seen in common cancers. The event's format is tailored to promote active learning, enhance knowledge retention, and encourage practitioners to apply fresh insights into their clinical routines. Through didactics, case-centric discussions, and lively Q&A sessions, attendees can gain clarity, address uncertainties, and interact with hematology and oncology experts. This conference aims to provide physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, nurses, and other healthcare professionals with the latest updates in precision-guided management in hematology and oncology. It will highlight a multidisciplinary approach and the integration of new advances in patient-centered care.
Continuing Education Team;     Tél.: [425-616-1528];     Email.:
oncology, hematology, cancer
Identifiant de l'évènement:
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